The sudden demise of the Baringo South MP Grace Kipchoim at a time when the Rift Valley Kingpins, deputy president William Ruto and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi, are scrambling for support to fulfill their presidential ambitions come 2022.

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The death of the Jubilee legislator has left an empty seat that as per the Kenyan constitution, a by-election must be held.

This has drawn a battle line as the Kingpins are set to prove who is has the support of the Kalenjin community.

Gideon Moi has an advantage since that is his home ground while the deputy head of state has abroad support base from the Jubilee party who occupies the majority of the parliamentary seats in the county.

Ruto is also a cunning and eloquent politician who can easily convince the people from Baringo South to vote against his KANU counterpart.

In addition, the governor of the Baringo county Benjamin Cheboi is a Jubilee Member and Moi only have one member of parliament and one governor from KANU.

On the other hand, the Baringo Senator may have the support of NASA supporters, if NASA will not have an aspirant, after the unanticipated visit of the opposition chief Raila Odinga to the former president Moi.

In a nutshell, the outcome of the by-election will be a mirror of how the 2022 presidential elections will be.