NASA leader Raila Odinga. [PHOTO/]

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​A resident of Meru has offered to gift NASA leader Raila Odinga to retire from active politics.

The self-proclaimed 'Miraa Ambassador' Rajesh Hirani on Saturday said he was offering to give Raila 1,000 miraa trees as a retirement package from the political space.

Rajesh said this will see Raila preoccupied with farming instead of continuously 'frustrating Jubilee'.  

“Raila enjoys chewing our miraa and that is why he always visits Nyambene. I promise him at least one thousand trees so that he can enjoy them at his own comfort and also he will have an alternative source of income when he retires," Rajesh said.

“If Raila who is a leader of the National Resistance Movement found it fit to withdraw from the polls, then he should not be speaking about the Jubilee Government activities. He should stop disturbing Uhuru Kenyatta so that he can continue developing the nation”, Rajesh added.