Kinuthia Mbugua who has been named State House comptroller. [Photo:]

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Former Nakuru governor Kinuthia Mbugua was on January 5 named the State House comptroller.

And many people are wondering what the hell that is?

Comptroller, and it is pronounced as 'controller', the p is silent is the man at the centre of activities at the house on the hill.

He is the chief accounting officer and secretary to the president.

The role of comptroller has however diminished in every regime depending on how the Boss wants to run his house.

For example, at the moment, Jomo Gecaga is the presidents closest man when it comes to the head of state diary. He is Uhuru's private secretary.

Mbugua will therefore likely be the chief officer and the man with the president's official diary.

The post is however not as powerful as it used to be during Kanu's regime.

When Moi was Moi, State House comptroller was the man who decided who got to the house on the hill.