The Hamilton Fountain Statue.It has been in existence at the Supreme Court premises for decades.[Photo/IPKenya]
A battle of legal minds is ongoing at the nation's top most court, the Supreme Court and almost every Kenyan has an idea about that but no one talks about the bronze statue of a blind naked boy clad in a judge's wig while holding a fish standing still outside the court buildings.
The boy is as well peeing into the base supporting him with his pee getting back to shower him shooting from 4 turtles located at the base.
His real name, however, is the Hamilton Fountain
The statue was put up during the reign of Sir Robert Brooke, a Kenyan British colonial government governor in honor of lawyer Alexander George Hamilton who died in 1937.
The sculpture which was commissioned by the lawyer's wife Gertrude Hamilton is meant to portray justice as blind, naked and slippery and at the same time as fearless as a boy.
However,what most Kenyans don't know is that this statue, dubbed 'Onyango' by some of the judicial officers around the premises probably due to the link between Luos and fish, is the third of the same with the first one having disappeared after the ship ferrying it from it's motherland Britain sank into the Indian Ocean.
The second one,a replica of the first one was stolen probably by city thieves with the third one,this one, still intact.
This however is not without opposition from some 'concerned quarters' with the Maendeleo ya Wanaume fraternity having earlier lamented saying that the statue's naked manner misrepresents the boy child.