Either you are a man or a woman, you must ensure these things are done by the time you hit 25 years.

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End that relationship that is making you miserable

At 25 you should know the direction your relationship is heading. We all deserve happiness.

Getting an education that is worthy

This gives you the advantage opportunity of being taken seriously and people can listen to you and also you become updated and knowledgeable about what is happening around while being enlightened.

Save money

Start saving the earlier the better, especially if you are employed. Don’t be extravagant, don’t buy everything you want, you should be able to differentiate between your needs and wants. 

Learn to discipline yourself

This revolves around how you manage yourself, where time is always an important factor to implement in a discipline. Know your limits the Dos and Don’ts.


This lets you explore other areas apart from where you operate from. This is adventurous since it gives you a sense of accomplishment and exposes you to different people and cultures.

Learn to cook

It looks simple but its pertinent one learns how to cook. A cooked meal is not expensive and is delicious and one will not feed on junk food hence reduces risk related conditions from eating junk food.

Let go of fake friends and family

You don’t need to toxic people around you, you are better off without them especially those who don’t have your interest at heart. We all need quality people in our life, not quantity.

Learn skills

Find out what you are interested in and learn more about it, perfect your skill, it may come in handy in future.