First dates are often boring, awkward, unexciting, and even torturous to many men. This has led to various frustrations in men immediately after the first date with his love. Please ensure you think twice before talking to her anything during this crucial moment of "First-date". Here is what you should avoid telling her:
1. I hope you like where I chose
women want to be with a guy who has a sense of certainty in what he does and in what choices he makes. When you tell her like this, then she will deduce that you rely on her decisions.
2. I feel nervous
this will make her sympathize with you rather than loving you. Telling a girl how nervous you are is not going to make her attracted to you, of course, she will feel sorry for you, and she will be extra ‘nice’ to you throughout the date but don’t think for a second any of that means anything more than her display of sympathy for you.
3. I want to know everything about you
This will appear quite overwhelming. It will just be an awkward utterance from you. Remember this lady has undergone various challenges including relationship break-ups. Are those part of what you need to know? Kindly do not tell her this statement anymore.
4. We should do this again sometime
This statement lacks excitement and shouts uncertainty. It gives the lady an impression that you are “testing the waters” because you are unsure if she will agree. Instead, try to be realistic and talk about future projections. Remember she is yours.
5. You look really nice tonight
This is a vague or generic compliment that needs to be abolished from the conversation. "Nice" is used when describing something we have no real passion for, such as a “nice cup of tea.” Replace the word “nice”, “lovely” or even “pretty” with something more dynamic and that focuses on a more detailed attribute of hers.