Kiambu Deputy Governor James Nyoro is not new when it comes to matters politics.

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Nyoro who is currently embroiled in a political feud with his boss governor Ferdinand Waititu understands the country’s politics circles and the controversies surrounding it.

The deputy governor is accusing his boss  (Waititu) of sidelining him in running of Kiambu county government affairs.

Nyoro argues that Waititu is a one man show who allegedly has no ear for consultation.

The deputy governor claims that working under Waititu is torturers and is contemplating moving to court to sue the governor for sidelining him and the county executive.

But who is James Nyoro ?

Nyoro is an agricultural expert and economist trained at the University of Nairobi and London Wayne College.

He worked as Managing Director at the Rockefeller Foundation before venturing into politics.

In 2013, Nyoro ventured into politics, unsuccessfully, contesting for the Kiambu governor seat.

He lost the seat to former Kiambu governor William Kabogo.

In 2016, Nyoro was appointed as an advisor to the government on matters Agriculture and Policy.

He was attached to the Deputy President office.

In the run up to the 2017 polls, Nyoro declared interest to unseat former governor Kabogo.

He, however, dropped his bid in support of Governor Ferdinand Waititu after an agreement under the United for Kiambu Alliance.

The United for Kiambu was formed by some Kiambu politicians among the David Ngari Gakuyo, John Mugwe and Aquiline Njoki in effort to to oust Kabogo.

Under the alliance, the politicians agreed to support Waititu’s bid since he was the popular candidate.

Waititu went on to win the governor seat defeating Kabogo with a huge vote margin.

The politicians under the United for Kiambu alliance had agreed to share power once Waititu wins and forms government.

However, the United for Kiambu alliance became shaky after Waititu send Kabogo packing.

Several months into their (Waititu and Nyoro) election, their rivalry started to play out.

The two leaders at one point clashed at a church in Kiambu in the presence of Deputy President William Ruto.

Last month, Waititu sacked John Mugwe who he had appointed as an executive member of his cabinet.

Political pundits now argue that Waititu- Nyoro political marriage will not last.

According to Peter Ngure, a political pundit, it is a matter of time before the two leaders completely part ways.