Since Jubilee government came into power, it has endeavoured to fulfil the promises the President and his Deputy promised Kenyans irrespective of their political affiliations. Having been faced with the ICC nightmare, the two leaders have worked tirelessly to unify Kenyans from all walks of life.

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First, President Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto promised Kenyans to waive all maternal costs in all public institutions. This has enabled pregnant women access medical care during delivery at all public hospitals across the land. Many women who in the past had to pay heavy costs have been relieved of the heavy burden.

Secondly, the ruling regime promised to connect Kenyans with electricity. Since independence, there has been no government committed to this issue as the Jubilee government. More than 300 000 homesteads and 50 000 schools have been connected to the national grid. According to the DP, the remaining less 10 000 schools will also be connected before the next general election.

Jubilee promised all class one pupils of 2014 laptops. The Jubilee have tallied to fulfil the promise but finally, it has been fulfilled. Already, Moi and Jomo Kenyatta Universities have won tenders to supply the devices to the primary school children. According to DP, the government was committed to connect the schools with power as the devices need to be charged after use. More than 5000 schools have been allocated with the laptops across the 47 counties. Last month, 5000 laptops and tablets were received in the country from China to be distributed to schools with Jubilee promising to fully equip the schools with the devices latest December.

Since 2013, a total of 2 miilion title deeds has been issued to squatters in bid to ensure every Kenyan has their own parcel. The most beneficiaries is the coastal region. Last week, the DP toured the region and said more title deeds have been processed and will be issued in the coming weeks. Despite voting overwhelmingly for the opposition coalition, the government has ensured equitable projects across all regions.

Many areas have been connected with roads. If the statistics given by the President during the Madaraka Day celebration in Nakuru are to go by, more the 50 000 kilometers of roads have been tarmacked to meet the required standards to ease movement of people and goods. This has been done in all the 47 counties since it is the government for all Kenyans.

Jubilee has been sensitive to rekindle the deteriorating economy by reviving stalled companies in bid to create more jobs. One billion shillings was given to Mumias Sugar Company which collapsed a couple of years ago. The same amount was given to miraa farmers who lost market for the product in foreign market. This is in an effort to ensure that all Kenyans are able to set food on the table.

More than 6000 Kenyans have benefited from the rebranded National Youth Service (NYS). Youths who were idle and others entrenched in drug abuse and alcoholism shun the bad conduct and get busy and eventually earn a living. This was contained in the Jubilee manifesto that it will create more jobs to curb unemployment.

The unity of the two leaders, the President and the DP has impressed many Kenyans. In the past, presidents have been at loggerheads with their deputies including former president Mwai Kibaki and former premier Raila Odinga. Many leaders in county level have also been in disharmony with other leaders, governors versus senators, governors and the deputy governors and many others.

The two have said they will defend the presidency fro the maximum two terms each. According political analysts, the ruling coalition has worked beyond average to warrant their re-election though Kenyans have the final decision during the ballot. 

With the next general elections being next year, the two are hopeful to retain their position for five more years before the DP runs for presidency in 2022 and 2027.