Still the best combination will be Mudavadi-Kalonzo with a feverish support from Raila. It is that easy. No emotions, this is just straight talk. [Photo/ Courtesy of KM]

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I recently watched Deputy President Willian Ruto defend the SGR and inland ports. Hatred and contempt aside, it is a very convincing thing were it not for the fact that we know the facts and what rip offs the purported projects are.But give credit to Jubilee. They have just managed to to rework their mediocre achievements to look like a weak A-. It looks like that result slip that one has failed everything except for Social Ethics where they have a C plain and Swahili where they have a C-.All along, four men in NASA, can't freaking agree on who the flag bearer is. Raila is the most qualified but can never win as long as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Mudavadi, as Gabriel Oguda pointed out in a riotous piece earlier on, is a project and if he wins, the NASA victory will be a stillbirth as he will be serving the interests of those who have the title deed of Kenya. Kalonzo, whereas he has grown some balls, albeit without hair, cannot excite people in Western Kenya to vote. Still the best combination will be Mudavadi-Kalonzo with a feverish support from Raila. It is that easy. No emotions, this is just straight talk.By the time they decide on who to run, it is too late, Jubilee, who have ignited their PR machine would have fooled the country into believing they are not as useless to a hill of beans.By now, NASA should have consolidated themselves, come up with a solid message. Every day there is some infighting, some stupid MPs and silly MCAs are paid to demonstrate for the principals, just to create an impression that a particular principle is indispensable. There are just too many egos for NASA to fly.That breaks my heart. Really does. If I am wrong, Ndege Fredrick, we should drink to this.

Editor's note: Follow Silas Nyanchwani on his blog and Facebook.