Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale has sensationally alleged the defeat of Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed was due to divine intervention. The Senator was speaking during NTV's Am Live show on Tuesday."I strongly believe in the role of spiritual power in the outcome of local and international events. The fact that President Uhuru and his deputy pushed so hard for Amina," he said."I think the gods were offended to the extent that they were doing this using public funds when at the same time those funds were needed to address hunger in the country and 68 gallant soldiers were lying dead," Khalwale added.Khalwale further claimed that Amina's fall was due to a combined disgruntlement from the gods and spirits of the dead."The spirit of the dead and gods were completely unhappy with that misuse of public funds," said Khalwale.Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed lost to Chad's Moussa Mahamat in a hotly contested election on Monday.
Why Amina Mohamed was defeated in AU elections - Senator Khalwale
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-Kaka Mwalimu