Social media was abuzz on Friday with Kenyan online discuss various issues.

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Some of the hot topics that made it to the trends include; John Macharia, #JustGoChebukatiGo, and #KFCBbansLesbianFilm.

Here is a look at the top trending topics:

1. #JustGoChebukatiGo

The hashtag was started by a section of Kenyans who felt that IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati should resign from the commission.

Most of the users noted that since the commission lacked a quorum, Chebukati had no powers to run its affairs.

Others blamed him for the nullified August 8, 2017, presidential election.

Here are some Tweets from the trend:

@GolloWaqo20101: #JustGoChebukatiGo but before that Mr. Cheapcat, can you tell us what transpired in 2017 now that everything is behind us? from day one we knew you cant make it unless pushed the way they did.utajipanga boss hatuko nawe.

@Nyakwaraduda: Why must @WChebukati involve us in his problems? We spent a better part of last year trying to involve him in our struggles but he contemptuously ignored us. #JustGoChebukatiGo.

@Daimamkenya01: @WChebukati cannot lead his own commissioners, he should #JustGoChebukatiGo.

@gichurukenny: Even if he remains in office he has no mandate perform any duty, he knows better#JustGoChebukatiGo

@JKNjenga: Wafula Chebukati should not involve us in his problems. When, last year, we involved him in ours, he ignored us. #JustGoChebukatiGo

@GakunyiJohn_: Can someone explain to me like a class one kid what Chebukati is still doing in the office. Who is he leading? Which commission is he in charge of? #JustGoChebukatiGo

2. John Macharia

The son of Royal Media Services owner S.K Macharia hit the trends after he died following a grisly accident along the Southern Bypass in Nairobi.

Reports indicate that he died on Thursday night at the Karen Hospital where he had been rushed for treatment.

3. #KFCBbansLesbianFilm

The hashtag hit the trends after the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) restricted a local film 'Rafiki' which it considered homosexual.

In a tweet, KFCB noted, " The Board has RESTRICTED a local film titled ‘Rafiki’ produced by Awali Entertainment Ltd. Its homosexual theme and clear intent to promote lesbianism in Kenya are contrary to the law."

The announcement elicited a lot of reactions among the users with some supporting and others opposing.

Here are some of the reactions:

@Pakinpaul: If this is allowed to air, we will as a nation be headed to be like Sodom and Gomorrah. It's an abomination in the eyes of the LORD GOD. That is why God has placed you in power a time like now Dr. @EzekielMutua @WilliamsRuto #KFCBbansLesbianFilm

@Boncrazy1: There are lots of issues that films can be made based on. And the vice is not one of them. #KFCBbansLesbianFilm @KibetBenard_ @InfoKfcb @NellyMuluka

@KingOine: just because you allow a movie to run, does not mean you support its message. free speech is about everyone’s voice. let the movie run and if the people don't like it, it flops if not then they appreciate the message. KFCB plz reconsider #KFCBbansLesbianFilm