Do you want to start a small business in Mlolongo?
The market is one of the aspects to consider before establishing a business in any part of the nation.
A condom selling business does not disappoint in this part of the nation.
The demand for condoms in Mlolongo is high because of the rising number of commercial sex workers in the area.
A good number of women conducting this business understand the need to wear condoms when making love to their clients.
Before you start the condom business, you need to understand that there are some brands that sell more than others.
You have to start by finding out what the customers prefer most.
You can conduct a study among the sex workers so that you sell the right product.
The price is another aspect that will determine your success or failure.
You have to sell condoms at a cheaper price if at all you want to make a profit at the end of the day.
Buying condoms in large quantities presents you an opportunity to save some money that will increase your profit in the long run.
In addition, find a strategic location such as Madharau Street where the demand for condoms is relatively higher than elsewhere.