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The importance of wrapping it up has been stressed time and again. We get it, condoms are very important.

What you are not told however, is that those rubbery latex things are not good for everyone. There is a whole load of disadvantages that no one tells you about when it comes to using a condom. Here are some:

Some people are allergic to latex. 

There are actual people who after doing the deed, cannot keep themselves from sneezing, scratching and itching. This, by the way, goes both ways. For guys and girls. You might leave your partner with a burning sensation and a need to reach unreachable places, just for a scratch. 

Condoms reduce sensitivity and pleasure.

Let's just face it. It is never the same with a condom on. Think of it like eating a sweet that is still wrapped in paper. You might taste some sweetness but not all of it. However, if you decide to unwrap the stick, be sure you are ready to embrace the consequences.

It's not fun for anyone to disrupt sex to put on a condom.

Many people put on a condom once they are done with foreplay and are ready for the real business. However, this break in momentum can disrupt a lot of things, including mood. I once heard of a guy who paused foreplay to go get a condom from the shop. What a loser. Let's just say when he got back the lady was long gone.

They might break.

Like most things, condoms are not a hundred percent foolproof. Sometimes they break in the middle of things. If the doers do not notice the breakage, they might be forced to face consequences that they were not ready for. This is also quite dangerous if one party has a viral disease, like HIV.

Environmental hazard.

Some people will blatantly ignore the 'do not flush' warning on the pack and flush the thing down the toilet. Bad move. This might end up in the river or ocean and probably choke a fish or a turtle somewhere in the pacific ocean.

Note: The advantages of condoms greatly outweigh the disadvantages. The editor is in no way disapproving their use.