Most men make conclusions that ladies never want to date a broke man due to minimal financial offers which are not applicable in all cases because a woman sees a man as a future husband.  Since she wants you in her future, she wants the best for you! Put in mind that a lady can date a broke man but can’t easily marry a broke man. Do not blame any woman for not getting married to a man with financial problems. Here are the reasons why it gets frustrating a broke guy:

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None of your friends will respect him

Women love each other and always want the best for each other. When they get to know that your man has little to offer financially, respect will never exist again!

He will always disgrace you

A broke man will always fight over little money. He won’t even purchase something for your female friends when they visit you. It needs a strong woman to stand such annoyance.

Talking about a boring relationship

While you will be sited in the house looking at the face of your broke man, your friends will be on vacation elsewhere with their hardworking wealthy boyfriends.

Broke men demand too much respect from a woman simply because they don’t want to be disregarded!

Broke men naturally look stingy because they always have fixed budgets with the little they have. Anytime you ask for money from him, he won’t be able to adjust because the money is too less to be shared.