Despite their destructive effect on individuals and children alike, affairs continue to happen with alarming frequency. Moral failings among leaders are becoming an epidemic. Interestingly, one of the hardest challenges for anyone is to remain grounded in the face of such moral decay. There are many reasons why marriages come to an end. 

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Downward spiral. When one or both spouses resort to adultery or abuse the emotional pain can at times become unbearable for the couple and the children. The productivity, dreams, and investments suddenly come to an end. The loss that the fall has on the children and the marital union could take months or possibly years to rebuild; in some cases never.

Failing to deal with the ''little fox''. Great marriages fall when the couple fails to deal with ‘the little foxes’. Most of the bad choices we make in relationships originate from one thought, one decision, or the one bad move we may make at some point. 

Failing to examine oneself. Great marriages fail when spouses do not learn to examine themselves. We must require the same measure of what we require of others from ourselves. Relationships are dynamic and regularly growing. Therefore, examining one’s life is an essential part of growth and peaceful co-existence.

Failing to think before you act. Great marriages fall when spouses fail to think through stuff before they act. Being true to ourselves is the best place to start in any relationship. You may have heard a friend whose relationship failed say, “How come I never saw this coming? How could I be so blind?