Do you love drinking milk? Milk is good for you. According to Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC), milk is a dietary staple for millions of Kenyans and it has essential nutrients that benefit their health. The health nutrients available in milk are calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorous and vitamins.

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However, if proper hygiene and the quality of milk produced is not maintained by both the farmers and hawkers, then it is deemed to pose a resistance to use of antibiotics and a serious health risk to the consumer.

Here are four ways hawked milk would be a health hazard to you;

Dewormed animals milk

Some farmers sell milk from a dewormed cow without minding who the consumers were. According to the Kenyan Dairy Board (KDB), it is recommended that milk from a dewormed cow is safe to drink after 72 hours. If consumers fail to abide by the rules of deworming then they are jeopardizing their body to develop defense on the antibiotics.

Milk from animal suffering from Anthrax

If Milk is drunk from an animal suffering from Anthrax, the consumer is at risk of contracting it which in serious cases leads to death. Some of the symptoms of a patient suffering from Anthrax are a shock, difficulty in breathing and intestinal inflammation. Some farmers most of them who sell their milk to hawkers will consider money first instead of the health of a consumer.

Milk stored in unhygienic containers

These unhygienic containers for instance plastics are difficult to clean hence storing pathogens on the container.

Milkman hygiene

Before milking one should ensure they maintain sanitation such covering their hair, washing hands before milking, washing the milking tools, washing animals parlor and the teats. If the milkman fails to adhere to the hygienic guidelines, that milk may be a health hazard to consumers.

If you are planning to drink milk consider then ensure you buy from vendors authorized by the KDB.