The Great Rift Valley, is a high elevation that helps athletes develop large lung capacity. Scientifically the large lung capacity enables them to have high hemoglobin capacity that contains a high amount of oxygen which enables them to function even in the thinner air.

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In areas where these marathons are held, they are of low elevation as compared to this athletes' home area which has a thicker atmosphere, this helps them have sustained oxygen boast. This enables them to sprint after 20 miles of running towards the finish line.

Kalenjins' distinction is genetically insular enough that common physical traits could inform there success. Their body is characteristically  Nilotic since they have thin ankles and skinny calves and this makes their bodywork 'like a pendulum'.

For a long time, Kalenjin kids have been walking for 7.5 kilometers a day and there  Vo2 Max and the anaerobic threshold for these kids were found to be high than of any other kids globally.

The kids have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 15.5, this means most of them have very low body fat. Their diet is mainly comprised of Carbohydrates, with about 10.4 rams consumed per Kilogram of body mass, their source of nutrients is mostly Vegetables. 

They strongly believe in hard work, they can achieve their success.

"There is nothing in this world unless you work hard to reach where you are and so I think running is mental," says one of the legendary athletes in the country Kipchoge Keino.