Joho, as we have seen, had difficulties passing his KSCE. [Photo/ Courtesy of HJ]

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Joho is wildly popular among women because he is seen as handsome (man, the women here, some in serious relationships always drool at him, rather shamelessly). Most of this girls were born in 1988 to 1996. I mean Joho did his KCSE in 1992.Also being book smart hardly counts. Joho, as we have seen, had difficulties passing his KSCE. Most of the women who love Joho are those I went to university with, some even so many classes behind. I would expect them to be wildly in love with nerds and melancholics in medical school or computer science and actuaries. But ‘wapi'. For a man, only money counts. Period.I recently watched a documentary on why women must never be entrusted with a civilization (historically all civilizations led by women collapsed, locally you remember Wangu wa Makeri, right?).I am not being sexist and all. But one line killed me from the documentaries.“Nowadays, a drug mobster attracts many women than a mathematics teacher."NB: I'm in no way alluding to the persistent allegations that Joho is in the drugs business. It is a quote from the documentary.