In the current political climate, it is very difficult to tell what the ODM party leader - Raila Odinga is upto. Leave alone peace and unity, is Raila upto for any position in the current or the coming government?

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Popularly known as 'Baba', Raila has shown his true statesmanship by keeping reconciliation a reality after the divisive 2017 polls. He took an unexpected decision to meet the President, Uhuru Kenyatta, after a long period of political rivalry.

The tactful Raila has maintained his close walk with the two top Jubilee party and kenyan government leaders in the name of bringing together Kenyans. After all, this nation is much greater than any individual. But, is the veteran targeted any political position? 

Despite the fact that the two - President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto had earlier on indicated that they will not support the Constitutional changes symbolised by a refurundum, Raila has not parted way with them. Neither has he depicted any annoyance on the matter.

Knowing that DP Ruto's core aim is to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta as a President come 2022 and still being a close friend presents a harder moment to create room for separation and become competitors than it was before. 

Should both the current political friendship and the stand against the Constitutional changes continue, then it will be stony hard to tell what Raila Amollo Odinga is upto. Unless he will retire from politics, I can't tell. What is Raila Odinga up to?