Businessman and feared 'tenderpreneur' Jimmy Wanjigi. NASA has decided to dump him after he proved 'useless' in its campaigns. [Photo:]NASA will be reorganising its campaign secretariat ahead of October 17 presidential election as announced by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) on Monday.Among those targeted in the new move include the feared Mr money bags Jimmy Wanjigi who will be kicked out. His fallout with NASA's top leadership, the Tuesday Star reports, is because he promised big bucks but didn’t deliver.The decision to expel Wanjigi is said to have been reached at the weekend in Kilaguni, Taita Taveta, where Raila and NASA principals retreated to plot their campaign and start fundraising.It is reported Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC) and Moses Wetang’ula (Ford Kenya) all told Raila they did not want Wanjigi because 'he did not help NASA as expected and instead caused the team problems'."The principals were clear in their assessment that Wanjigi had promised so much and delivered almost nothing to the campaign," a source familiar with the meeting’s decisions told the paper on Monday.Some of Wanjigi's botched promises to Nasa, the paper says, include paying for a tallying centre, poll agents and the production of media advertisements.Wanjigi and campaign secretariat chief Willis Otieno top the list of those to be purged in the regrouping for an intense, hit-the-ground-running campaign.It is also reported that some NASA secretariat staff had complained several times about Wanjigi and his association with secretariat head Willis Otieno, whom they said was serving the tycoon’s interests, instead of implementing decisions of the NASA principals.

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