Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungwa has revealed the secret behind the massive number of voters registering in Jubilee party strongholds.Ichungwa was speaking on Thursday during Citizen TV political show Opinion Court where he accused Cord MPs of being lazy and not keen to mobilise their constituents to come out and register."We have been out in the villages house by house but the opposition leaders are somewhere sitting in Nairobi," said Ichungwa."This opposition MPs are simply not with their people, he added.The first time Kikuyu MP also said that Jubilee is beating Cord because most of the voters from opposition stronghold have given up and conceded that Jubilee will win."Another reason why we are beating them is because they have lost hope, they know this election is a forgone conclusion because they have watched their leaders sell no agendas that Kenyans can't buy," said Ichungwa.However, Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kalamu objected Ichungwa's claim saying that Jubilee should not celebrate early before all the numbers are finally out."Don't worry about the figures and numbers I want to beg you, remember there has been an ongoing continuous voter registration exercise those numbers have not been uploaded, we are talking of challenges upon challenges, it is too early to evaluate," said Kaluma.
Why Jubilee is beating CORD in voters registration - Ichungwa
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-Kaka Mwalimu