Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo has disappeared from the limelight after being humiliated during the 2017 elections.

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Kabogo rarely makes any public appearance and only comments on national matters once in a while with his latest being on the unity pact between President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Many people expected the ex-Governor to make it to President Kenyatta's administration but he was not considered in any of the Head of State's appointments.

His silence and minimal public appearance has left many questioning what is happening to the former powerful politician.

Kabogo's silence should, however, cause gitters among his political rivals especially in Kiambu because they do not know what he is planning. 

Maybe, he is conducting grassroot campaigns or re-organising his team to launch a major comeback in 2022.

His silence has left his rivals unaware and he could use this to catch them off guard when the right time comes.

Going into the 2022 election, Kabogo will be the man to watch especially how he will play his cards and the seat he will go for.

If he settles for the gubernatorial seat Governor Ferdinand Waititu will have a tough battle defending his seat. Should Kabogo go for the top seat, the other candidates will also face an uphill task contesting against the ex-county boss.

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