The fact that Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka's son Klein Kalonzo is vying for a parliamentary seat may not be news.

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News is that he will win with a landslide. Let us face it. Kalonzo is still the political kingpin of Ukambani and his son will easily ride on the benefits that come with incumbency!

I first heard about Klein Kalonzo in August 2014 when he was being interviewed by Rose Kwamboka of Standard's pulse magazine. He graduated with a Bachelor of arts degree in journalism from University of Nairobi.

Apart from owning a music production studio, Heartbeat media studios, Klein is also a rapper. His song "looking up" is doing well on the local airwaves.

Klein will win Mwingi North Parliamentary seat with a landslide because he already has a big name (You remember how Mutula Kilonzo junior rode on his father's name and legacy?)

Again, his youthful appeal and his love for music will draw in many youths to vote for him. The voting pattern in Kenya is fast changing and John Munuve should expect the worst.