Accident scene that claimed life of late governor Gakuru (photo/ standard digital)
Road accidents are a major life-grabber in Kenya today. Road accidents happen almost daily on our roads, ranging from major ones involving multiple motor vehicles to minor accidents leading to just few scratches. Every now and then citizens turn on their television and radios to wake up to sad stories of people losing their lives. It is a loss to the society and the nation as a whole.During the festive seasons, the roads seem to be more deadly than any other period of the year. The number of accidents reported always rise during the months of November and December. Travelling at this time of the year has become a nightmare to many people. But why are the roads more deadly at a time where festivity is supposed to be hyped?One of the reasons for increased accidents during this season is the fact that many people are on the move. Convoys of vehicles all ferrying citizens from the cities to upcountry are the order of the day. Many people want to be with their loved ones in this season. Fare is set at double, and remember, the matatu saccos are up to make loads of profits. What follow is drivers speeding so as to make as many trips as possible. This overspeeding leads to multiple accidents on the roads. It would be wiser if people avoided travelling at the last minute.Most drivers are drunk at this season.You will find that at this point of the year, there is a lot of merry-making, a lot of parties and celebrations. It’s almost a Kenyan norm that no alcohol, no party. So, you find that most drivers on the move, especially at night are from a party, and they are drunk. Following this, the country will be mourning due to loss of lives under drunk drivers.
Therefore, to be on the safe side, ensure you don’t drink and drive this festive season. Ensure also that the driver driving you is sober. In addition to that, observe all traffic rules. Let us save life this festive season and party responsibly.