[Cord leader Raila Odinga. Photo/nation.co.ke]

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A lobby group has moved to court seeking to bar Cord leader Raila Odinga from vying for president in this year's general election.

This comes at a time when the National Super Alliance (NASA) is gearing up to name it's flagbearer in the coming week.

The lobby has cited serious integrity issues as the basis for blocking the Nasa principal from the presidential elections.

Human Rights Africa moved to the High Court on Wednesday claiming that Raila's character was tainted as reported by the Nation.

Through their lawyer, Robert Onyango, they said that the former Prime Minister has not cleared himself from past scandals including Kazi kwa Vijana, Triton oil, the maize scandal and Kisumu molasses scandal.

"It is in public knowledge that investigations in the above named scandalss have never been concluded, and if they were concluded, the reports have never been made public or acted upon," the court papers read.

The lobby also questioned Raila's education credentials. They said that he had proven to hold a degree like he claims.

The organisation wants the court to order the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to investigate Odinga.