Have you wondered why as soon as you buy your dream smartphone another version is released like three weeks later? The same attitude is now what people are taking to marriage and relationships. Men are instinctively polygamous and cannot be satisfied by one woman due to their deep-rooted appetite for variety. 

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Nowadays, marriages are no longer built to last. A small crisis, small mischief and the union is over, Kaput! Short- lived marriages are so rampant. It is either people are not psychologically mature enough, or there is some unknown disease ravaging men and women of this generation.

One may wonder why in the past, a man could marry a woman and live with the same woman for a long period of time. For instance, in our grandfather’s time, they averaged almost 50 years and over with the same woman or women in marriage. I have come to find out that back then, women were more resilient while men were authoritative. 

If women can develop the spirit of resilience, and men develop the authoritative character then polygamy can work perfectly fine, all factors kept constant such as religion, faith and someone's decency of an ideal marriage. 

Presuming that men were in fact meant to be monogamous, why are they still being attracted and tempted by other women after being married or in a relationship?