Poultry farming is one of the rapidly growing systems in Kenya with most farmers devoting all their resources towards it. Many do not know how a farmer he saw yesterday turned into a millionaire neither do they believe the tales of poultry farming being a fortune.  Below are some of the answers one has to know about poultry farming. 

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Requires less capital to put up:

Unlike other investments, poultry farming do not require a fortune to start. An average poultry farming requires between Ksh. 50,000- 100,000 to put up. 

Takes shorter period to thrive:

Chickens do not take ages before they begin laying(for layers), Broilers too takes around 3 months to mature.  A farmer, therefore, do not have to wait long to start earning from their investments. 

Source of food:

Food is a basic need, chickens and eggs are foods that most people consume on daily basis. Both are rich in protein, those who can't afford to get chicken go for eggs. A farmer is therefore confident in earning. 

Few/no legal formalities required:

There are no legal formalities required for this business (in most cases) unlike other businesses. Also, there are no much expenses apart from feeds and drugs. Chickens are walking millions, youths should therefore take this business seriously since it's a promising one.

I had a chance to speak to a friend of mine who invested in poultry farming and is doing well "since I started rearing chickens, am really earning a fortune out of it, am soon becoming a millionaire" my friend stipulated.