Former Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga at a past function (Photo/

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Many of Former Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga’s believe that he as the man who will change this nation if elected the President. 

On the other side, supporters of President Uhuru Kenyatta do not agree with the ideology that Raila is the man to change Kenya. Over decades, Raila has created a cult-like following. The opposition leaders are loved and hated in equal measure.

There are supporters of Raila who back him because of the role he has played when it comes to the liberation of this nation while others are just obsessed because of what they hear from others.

Raila is considered a fighter of political freedoms but at the same time, he has never let anything stand between him and power. When National Super Alliance (NASA) as naming its presidential candidate, many knew Raila will not pave way for another candidate. 

Their doubts were confirmed when he was chosen. Analysts believed that he was the only capable candidate to dethrone Uhuru but others were equally strong.

The former prime minister has differed and parted ways with several leaders who wanted his support as they sought for Presidency. The opposition leader once differed with Wiper Party leader Stephen Kalonzo and Amani National Congress (ANC) Leader Musalia Mudavadi when they wanted his support. There are speculations that he might be in the ballot box come 2022 although he has dismissed the allegations.