Deputy President William Ruto and Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho could take over power if they join forces in 2022. Joho could be the best running mate for Deputy President William Ruto if the Kikuyu community does not back his candidature when that time comes. Joho has been one of the most influential politicians not only in the Coast region but also across the nation. Although the two leaders have not been on good terms, there are no permanent enemies in the political arena. 

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Both Joho and Ruto are wealthy. The two leaders stand a better chance of mounting a powerful campaign that could leave their rivals with sleepless nights. Ruto owns several properties across the nation and his combination with Joho will definitely give their competitors a hard time in 2022. 

Both Ruto and Joho attract the support of the youths. Ruto is a self-proclaimed hustler. His rise to financial and political supremacy is sheer hard work. He is one of the influential leaders raised from humble backgrounds. Joho is also a darling to the Kenyan youths. The two leaders will win the votes of the youths if they walk together.

Both leaders are amazing public speakers. If there are politicians with ‘sweet tongues’ then Joho and Ruto are among them. Their style of politics has made them be loved and hated in equal measures. Their speeches will leave you staring in awe.

Both leaders have numbers. Ruto controls a large part of the Rift Valley region while is considered the Coast political kingpin. The two are better placed to woo other regions to back their candidature if they give it a try.

In conclusion, Ruto and Joho ticket will win the 2022 race. The leaders are wealthy, vocal and attract the youthful votes. Their rivals will not have it easy beating them if they unite. Despite being on different sides, the duo could come together and pulls a surprise.
