Migunas saga has been the talk of the day. 

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Gorvernment have been on target in molesting and deporting the  Miguna. 

The unlawful actions by the government has made people lose confindence with it. But the big question is, who will be a victim? 

Is it Uhuru or Ruto?

Ruto will be the victim of the saga because Uhuru is retiring. 

Most of Jubilee strongholds are angered  by the recent unlawful actions by the government. Miguna's deportation leaves more questions to Kenyans than answers. 

This should worry Ruto for being one of the component of such dictatorial government bearing in mind he will be in the ballot come 2022.  

Situations might be even worse for the government after it deported Miguna again to Dubai. 

This is clear that the government do not have respect to the constitution of its citizens. 

The government portrayed dictatorship rather than constitutionalism. 

This creates trouble to Rutos future profile which might affect 2022 polls. 

It's high time for Ruto through the government to win the trust of Kenyans. 

He should come in and solve Miguna's issue, this might  lower the heat that is there in the country. 

This also might regain the lost trust by the citizens to the government.