[Webuye East MP Alfred Sambu is among the two NASA MPs who attended President Uhuru Kenyatta's Parliament address on Tuesday.Photo/Star]

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NASA coalition MPs made good their threat to skip President Uhuru Kenyatta's Parliament address on Tuesday, an event that marked the official opening of the 12th Parliament.

However, two lawmakers defied the coalition's position and opted to attend the function which the Chief Justice and other Judiciary officials also skipped.

Alfred Sambu (Webuye East) and Charles Gimose (Hamisi) are the only two MPs affiliated to the NASA coalition who attended the function.

Mr. Sambu was elected on a Ford Kenya ticket while Gimose is a member of ANC.

Speaking thereafter, Sambu defended his decision to attend the event, the lawmaker saying that he never attended any of the coalition's meetings to defend on whether to attend or not.

"Someone just made an announcement that we should skip the function without consulting us. I attended the event because it was a national function and there is no harm listening to the speech of the President," the legislator was quoted by the Standard.