[President Uhuru Kenyatta (right) in a past event. He may find it hard campaigning in Gusii. Photo/Nation]

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President Uhuru Kenyatta will struggle to score in Gusii region following his recent rants at the Supreme Court judges, says Stella Omari.

Last Friday, majority of Supreme Court judges nullified Uhuru’s victory on grounds that IEBC failed to conduct elections in line with the constitution.

And his direct attacks on Chief Justice David Maraga may have a negative impact on his campaigns in Kisii and Nyamira Counties.

“You have already seen people protesting in favour of Maraga and the threats by the president may sway votes in favour of Raila Odinga.

“This is politics and you have seen NASA making a political point out of it. Uhuru will struggle a lot and may not score as good as in August,” she says.

On Tuesday, opposition team visited Nyamira and Kisii counties and seized the opportunity to defend Maraga who hails from the region.

Unlike in 2013, Uhuru’s performance improved exponentially in Gusii with Nyamira County recording impressive figures where Uhuru managed 52 percent.