Buuri MP has proposed a law to provide for an option to extend maternity leave by another three months without pay. [Photo/nation.co.ke]New mothers could soon have six months paid leave from work if an amendment to the Employment Act is adopted.

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Buuri MP Kinoti Gatobu is proposing the law to provide for an option to extend maternity leave by another three months without pay.

Currently, a female employee is entitled to three fully-paid maternity leave on top of their statutory annual leave. “The current provision is three months maternity leave therefore an extension of three months maternity leave will be in conformity with international best practices,” the amendment says.

Proponents of maternity policy terms reckon it will help in the recruitment and retention of women at the work place, as reported by the nation.

The International Labour Organization Maternity Protection Convention recommends maternity leave for at least 18 weeks or four and a half months.

Companies like Vodafone, reviewed their leave policy in 2015 to include a 16-week fully paid maternity leave and a 30-hour week instead of 40 on full pay for the first six months.