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Soap Operas and Kenyan women are inseparable.  A soap opera is a serial drama on radio or television that tends to talk about lives of different characters.  

The drama series have become common on different television channels including Citizen, KTN, K24 and NTV among others. Here are reasons why Women love soap Operas

The actors/actresses find true love

It is the desire of every woman to find someone who truly loves her. Women get excited watching soap operas because the actors and actress always find their true love in the

They teach women about fashion/makeup

There are women who watch soaps because they want to learn more about fashion or makeup. Women who watch soap operas are more stylish compared to those who do not.

They make life glamorous

Soaps make life fun. They take the viewers from the real world to the world of illusion. The thoughts about the nonexistent world make them more entertaining.

 They are full of open secrets

There are certain things that appear to be secrets but the person watching the soap knows the truth. For instance, a man might be cheating on his or her wife yet the producers make it appear a secret.