Changing pants prevents bad odour. [Photo/]

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There are women who wear the same pants on a daily basis. 

Regardless of your financial status, ensure that you have changed your pants daily. 

Wearing the same pants several days is not only unhealthy but also unhygienic. 

Here are good reasons to change your pants daily.

Avoid odor

There are women who remove bad odor whenever they get off their pants. 

Changing your pants daily ensures that they are not smelling. 

Do not wait until the pants are smelling before you rush to change them because it might be too late.

Prevent vaginal infections

Vaginal infections are common among women of various ages. 

Vaginal infections spread faster if you keep wearing the same pants the whole week.  

Yeast infections among other health issues are more likely to affect women who wear the same pants for days.


Cleanliness is very important to women. 

No man who would to date a woman who is unhygienic. 

Even some of your friends will not want to stay with you if you do not clean your pants. 

If you want to be that woman every man wants then it is time you changed your pants daily.

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