Men who are born again are said to be excellent husbands since they portray all qualities of that good husband.  Even though they portray such qualities, with husband qualities, women say they are boring to be with. Various ladies have different stories about these men and why they are worse in bed matters and general lifestyle. Here are some of the reasons you should know.

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Church-going men say that sex is exclusively for procreation - A saved man would even caution his woman against doing strange sex positions in bed since sex is not for fun. They would even pray for you for doing that and might even expose you. That is the reason why these men are believed to be boring.

Women believe that some are virgins and incapable of full satisfaction in bed. They flee away due to these. They wear funny shiny suits- women say that saved men are such bad at wearing clothes. 

They say that they wear shiny, bright colored and oversized suits that are not so appealing to them. Saved men always want to change their wives - they give you limitations on what to wear, where to go and what to speak in front of people. Some lady said that his husband forced her to quit social media and even not to own a smartphone. Such limitations make them boring.

They spend most of their days doing church activities - these activities include even the overnight prayers and have no time for a woman. No woman would love to spend all her nights in church. Sometimes it is good to spend time at home.

They are less tolerant - church going man can never tolerate girlish behavior such as going out with friends, attending concerts or attending laughing festivals. He would rather allow you to spend the night praying in church than you going out.

Most men worship the pastor too much - everything that happens in the house must be reported to the pastor. They are not good at keeping secrets which might be annoying to you.

Some problems they just solve by simply praying without action. Even when they are sick they would opt to pray about it rather than going to the hospital.