Cancer is quickly becoming one of Kenya’s worst health burdens, with 60 people dying of the disease every day and nearly 30,000 new cases diagnosed annually. Due to this, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle. The following are risk factors that will expose you to cancer:
1.Very hot drinks; if you prefer very hot tea, then you are exposing yourself to great risks. The danger is in the high temperatures — and not the drink itself — which could lead to cancer of the esophagus.
2. Unsafe vegetables; there are vegetables that are not suitable for human consumption due to increased use of pesticides to improve yields and keep pests and insects at bay. Ensure you cook the vegetables thoroughly.
3. Red and processed meat; red meat increases your risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. This is because of carcinogens present in red meat.
4.Tobacco; tobacco causes over 15 types of cancers, essentially in any part of the body. Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, and the commonly smoked shisha (users are also exposed to dangerously high levels of the poisonous gas carbon monoxide, which increases the risk of lung cancer).
5. Increased intake of maize products; the ugali you so love much could be slowly killing you as Kenyan maize is known to be contaminated with aflatoxins, toxic fungi which increases the risk of cancers.