Likoni Ferry is the busiest Kenyan ferry services in place. Many people use this cross point as compared to the other one at Mtongwe. 

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Being a busy place especially during the rush hours, there are a number of risks and dangers, one can easily encounter with, while using this cross point. They include:


With a huge traffic of commuters, some individuals use that as a chance to sneak into people’s pockets, bags, wallets and handbags. The Kenya Ferry Services Management are always, on daily basis, alerting their customers.

“Beware of theft while waiting the ferry, not all those standing by your sides want to cross, to some, you are a target.” Said the management

Slippery floors and ramps 

The ramps are always so slippery. Because of the currents, water keeps on splashing on the ramps making them slippery. Commuters end up falling down while in the process of entering or leaving the ferry. Vehicles have plunged into the Indian Ocean because of these risks. There is always a note alerting the people concerning the slippery ramps and slippery floor…….

“Beware of the slippery floor” states the sticker note

Embarking and disembarking commotion

This point will leave one cursing some things. The commotion while entering is always so violet, where people are pushing each like they are running from a denoting bomb. Phones cracks, laptops get broken into pieces, people attain very serious injuries among so many things. The way security personnel closes the gates at the waiting bay is another dangerous scene. People are hit so hard in the process. 

The currents and the waves

on several occasions the waves have affected the sailing of the ferry, especially during rainy seasons, making it hard for the captain to sail direct from one side of the ocean to the next.