How often do you eat roasted maize? As a matter of fact, many people are not aware of the nutritional benefits of eating roasted maize. In fact, roasted maize is not only tasty but it is also essential for health. Here are facts about roasted maize you did not know:
1. Roasted maize contains folic acid, a nutritional component that enables the body to get rid of a cough.
2. Fibre contained in roasted maize is very crucial because it activates digestion. The fibre also prevents constipation.
3. It has minerals such as magnesium, iron, copper, and phosphorus. These minerals enhance the bones' strength.
4. Roasted maize reduces cholesterol levels hence controlling the blood flow, pressure and keeps the heart healthy.
5. It contains an anti-oxidant which makes the skin soft and increases the immunity power. It also eliminates the symptoms of aging.
6. For pregnant women, folic acid is a very crucial element for the development of the foetus.
8. Due to the presence of carbohydrates in roasted maize, it acts as a source of energy hence eliminating fatigue.
9. Chewing of the maize also plays a role in your teeth as far health is concerned. While you will be chewing the maize, bacteria present in teeth will be rubbed off and this will protect your teeth from periodontal diseases.