Maize meal, specifically ugali is a typical African meal with a lot of health benefits. It is a cooked mixture of maize flour and water common in Kenya and can be eaten along with vegetables like sukuma wiki meals like meat, fish and several others. 

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In this article, you will get to know why you should always eat ugali. Below are the reasons;

1. Gives you a lot of energy

There is a lot of carbohydrates in ugali. This makes it the number one energy giving food in Kenya. People who eat ugali regularly are much stronger than those who are not really used to it. 

2. You stay full for long

There is no good meal compared to ugali. People who eat ugali can stay up to six hours when still full and satisfied if at all they do not do strenuous work or exercises. You should, therefore, eat ugali when you want to stay full for long.  

3. Boosts digestion

Ugali contains roughages that the body needs to carry out faster digestion. The roughages accelerate digestion and this is why it is rare to hear someone complain of constipation after eating ugali.

4. Corn oil in ugali act as an antioxidant

Oil from unsifted maize is called corn oil. The corn oil is known to be an antioxidant which prevents oxidation and build up to toxic components in the body cells. Ugali cooked with unsifted maize is, therefore, the best option as it contains the cholesterol-free oil. 

5. Contains iron

Unsifted maize contains germ which is rich in iron. Iron is important to the body as it helps in building blood tissues. Ugali also contain proteins good for bodybuilding.