Kisii town is well known for its continued growth. 

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Robert Nyanducha, an entreprenuer and accountant based in Kisii told Hivisasa that Kisii is a good place to invest.

He said any investor willing to invest in town should not be scared investing in Kisii town because of the following reasons;

1. Security 

Every investor setting up his or her business should first survey the security of the business environment. 

The town has a good number of police officers patrolling day and night to keep off criminals from breaking into business premises.

 2. Friendly host community

The host community (Gusii) is such friendly for any foreign investor to set up a business in the town. 

No community conflicts have been reported in town. 

3.  Calamities free

 Calamities such as floods have not been reported in town despite the heavy rains which pounds in the region. 

Investors should not be scared of natural calamities such as floods because the town has good drainage systems.

4. Road network 

The town is easily accessible by everyone due to the good road networks in the region. 

Investors will access areas in deep villages without any difficulties to buy products from farms to sell to customers in town. 

5. Customers 

Due to the increased population in town, an investor will not have difficulties to sell his or her products. Customers will walk to your kiosk, shop or supermarket to buy meaning there will be no losses as a result of the stock being in stores for a long period of time.