When sitting in a meeting, busy somewhere, watching a movie or even eating, the thought of nature calling probably isn't one of many people's priorities. Experts tell us, however, that taking care of our kidneys means knowing when they are entering the danger zone. Here are some of the dangers of holding urine and avoiding responding to its call to be eliminated;
Stretching the bladder; an average bladder has the capacity of holding 15 ounces of liquid [eight glasses of water, for example, is roughly 64 ounces], and holding in your urine for long can stretch your bladder. The automatic feedback mechanism in the bladder sends a signal to the brain when it is full which then urges you to get to the nearest toilet. But if you keep yourself from peeing often, your body might lose the ability to know when it is time to go, says Dr. Chamandeep Bali, a naturopathic doctor at the Toronto Naturopathic Health Clinic.
Bacteria manifestation in the bladder; The longer you hold your urine, the bladder can become a breeding ground for bacteria to grow.Dr. Bali says that this bacteria can lead to infections, which can be spread to the kidneys and cause great damage to the body.
Kidney stones; These are tiny 'stones' that form in the kidneys as a result of the accumulation of sodium and calcium.If these minerals are not regularly expelled through urination, the moment will come in which the stones try to leave the body via the urinary tract and the pain that this movement produces will be unbearable. Therefore you are advised not to hold your pee because the consequences of kidney stones can be much worse.
Cystitis; This is a condition that primarily affects women and has to do with the inflammation of the walls of the bladder. It is characterized by symptoms such as pain in pelvis and burning and pain while urinating. Therefore we are advised to urinate immediately there is the urge to urinate. This will help prevent the adverse effects of holding pee as discussed above.