Saving is a wise move to secure your future.  [Photo/] Financial responsibility is a battle we fight everyday. It's neither hard nor easy. It just requires everyday vigilance and a realistic approach to income-expenditure. 

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You have to first look at all your sources of income. See what you earn in a week, month and year. Then you have to take a look at how much you spend on food, clothes, shelter, transport and all miscellaneous expenses. At this point you'll have a clear picture of what you're dealing with. You just cannot spend more than you earn. Try to ensure that your expenditure makes sense in relation to your income. Set aside money for basic needs and entertainment. Then see what you can save in a week, month and year. Savings rescue you in times of financial perils. Like when your salary is late or when you've spent a large amount of money on unforeseen circumstances like urgent medical bills. Not only that, but you could save enough to start a business or run a project. Many people in 8:00-5:00 jobs don't want to do it forever. That's why it's important to save to start your own business. Cut down on unnecessary expenses especially when it involves harmful habits. This could be drugs, gambling or impulsive buying.