Some people’s gums bleed when they brush, when they pick their teeth, they chew hard fibre like sugarcane and also when they floss. It is a situation that many would not like to find themselves in.Bleeding gums point to a serious dental problem/disease.

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But what causes bleeding gums? 

According to, bleeding gums are caused by inadequate plaque removal. Plagues are food debris that gets stuck in the teeth and remains there for a long time. With time, the plagues decompose and affect the tissues around the teeth. This causes the gums to inflame and bleed when pricked.

While bleeding gums is not painful, it is believed to be a symptom of a gum disease called Gingivitis. 

Other symptoms of Gingivitis include red gums, tender gums, swollen gums, loose teeth and bad breath. Gingivitis, if not treated, will eventually lead to a more serious dental disease called Periodontitis. The best way to deal with bleeding gums is to make sure you remove all the plagues from your teeth. This can be done through thorough brushing with an antiseptic tooth paste/mouth wash or to floss daily. 

If the bleeding persists, then you should see your dentist.

(image: Daily flossing routine by