A university is one place where students invest most of their time and money hoping that they will graduate with good grades and find a good job waiting for them.

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Many students have overemphasized the importance of good grades in the job market. But the truth of the matter is, all that amount of time, the money you invested and the good grades you have won't matter when it comes to the real job market.

Some lecturers at the Universities take time to let their students know they should not only put an effort in attaining good grades, they should also know that good grades alone won't help them secure a job, but friends and connections will.

You might be a graduate with 1st class honors but without friends and connections in the field, you pursue, finding a job will be harder than you imagine. Therefore for you to be on the safe side, make sure you keep in contact with people who can help you in finding the jobs in future.

When it comes to employment, another thing that comes first is experience. Every employer will prefer to hire a person with experience in a certain field. Employing someone one with experience saves the company money since there is no need to train them