It is now a fact that Kenyans could be the most generous people on earth.

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After Hivisasa published a story on a Mandera woman in need of help to reunite with family after 11 years in the streets, Kenyans, as usual, showed their generosity.

As at 3 pm on Wednesday, many had contacted Hivisasa with offers to help Fatuma Yasmin get out of the slums.

Among the many well-wishers is Jimmy Muiruri, a Nairobi-based man who willfully expressed intention to unite Yasmin with her three daughters.

However, what is even heartwarming is the move by a Somali woman, Rahma Binti Guliye who opened a paybill number to facilitate the reunion. 

Guliye is a health volunteer working in Nairobi.

The paybill number is 891300 under account number 31926. 

By 7 pm on Wednesday evening, Kenyans had raised Sh45,800 in record time with the said woman getting admitted at Nairobi's Mbagathi Hospital for further medication, courtesy of Rahma Guliye.

It is now hoped that Yasmin will eventually meet her three daughters and be accepted by her family once again.

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