It has emerged that the ban of Busia Senator Amos Wako from the United States was news to the nation's investigative and anti-graft watchdog, as it was to the remaining Kenyans.

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The former Attorney General, his wife Flora Ngaira, and son Julius Wako were banned from travelling to the US, over allegations of involvement in significant corruption dealings.

However, Citizen Digital reports that the new development has caught the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) off-guard, as it could not confirm if it had any graft suspicions about the Senator.

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have also no information on what might have led to Wako's ban.

In a statement signed by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, the US government said that it took the move to show its commitment to helping Kenya in her fight against corruption.

“Economic prosperity for all Kenyans is only possible by defeating the scourge of corruption, which also requires a functional, fair, and transparent criminal justice system. The United States will continue to stand with all Kenyans as they strive to curb and punish corruption in Kenya," read the statement in part.

However, it has not been made clear yet the actual charges the senator is facing, 10 years after he was also banned from the US "for being a stumbling block to political reforms".

Wako is on Wednesday expected to respond to the ban.